Tuesday, March 14 at 6:00 p.m.
Mary Ann Wolfe Theater, FIU North Campus
Journalists serve the public interest as watchdogs over government and business. But that mandate increasingly bumps against privacy and security issues that are sometimes legitimate and sometimes only excuses for protecting special interests. The result has meant that once-public information critical to stories concerning public safety, health and policy can no longer obtained. Panelists for this Sunshine Week event include Lucy Dalglish, executive director, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Pat Gleason, general counsel to Florida State Attorney Charlie Christ and Daniel A. Ricker, editor and publisher of The Watchdog Report.
Esta Conferencia de Periodismo (en ingl�és) se desarrolló en la Florida International University durante la semana de la comunicaci�ón, y versa sobre la FOIA, la Sunshine Law, y la libertad de expresi�ón en los EEUU despu�és del 11-9. Es la primera parte, pero debo advertir que no pude grabar al primer conferencista. La coloco al servicio de mis compa�ñeros de estudio y cualquier otro interesado. Va a estar por muy poco tiempo.
Conferencia de Periodismo I 3_14_06 6_40 PM 1.wav
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