viernes, octubre 15, 2010

TRAPPED: An exploration into the dark bowels of mother Earth

A collaborative piece by “Los Hermanos” (Ytaelena & Bruno Lopez)

Recycled wood, soil, compost, plants, black light, sound system and Ytaelena’ sculture (cell scan pictures, acrylic, fluorescent paint, resin).

This piece is already in exhibition at SOMARTS Gallery

TRAPPED is an interactive installation inspired by oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and the earthquake in Chile. The installation recreates a cave or cavern, from which you can hear a voice asking for help. The public is attracted to those weak calls and enters the cave, which narrows into a small hole where only only arm can get it. The installation is dark except for a halo of light at the end, emanating from the Earth cells (pictured in a sculpture made especially for this installation). The subtle smell of fresh compost reflects what could be the smell of Mother Earth ... or the decomposition of organic matter. When the person inserts his arm into the hole, he discovers another hand waiting, but immersed in a mixture of soil and compost. (Inglés)

TRAPPED es una instalación interactiva inspirada en los derrames petroleros en el Golfo de México y en el terremoto de Chile. La instalación recrea una gruta o caverna desde donde salen llamadas de auxilio. El público es atraído por esas débiles llamadas y entra dentro de la gruta que se estrecha hasta convertirse en un pequeño hueco donde sólo cabe el brazo. La instalación se encuentra totalmente a oscuras, excepto por un halo de luz al final que emana de las células de la tierra (en una escultura hecha especialmente para esta instalación). Un sutil olor a abono fresco refleja lo que pudiera ser el olor de la Madre Tierra... o el de la descomposición de la materia orgánica. Cuando introduce su brazo en el hueco descubre otra mano esperándo, pero sumergida en una mezcla de tierra y abono. (Español)

Cargado originalmente por alrevez

Ytaelena Lopez


Ytaelena Lopez

You know me, this is my blog. But if yo still want to know more, please check

Bruno Lopez

My name is Bruno Lopez, I am an architect and artist from Caracas, Venezuela. Now, I am living in Oakland and working in San Francisco.

Though my art, I am trying to balance public art and public spaces through newly-empowered cultural groups. My approach to this aspect is the representation of the space we inhabit, creating a dynamic and unique model that may redefine how we perceive public space.

What I am trying to create are images and objects that reflect a mix of elements and functions, analyzing news circuits, transportation, energy exchange and urban sustainable power, prioritizing the network that make us identify with the city as living structures.

I exhibited in Caracas (Venezuela), In Sao Paulo (Brazil) and in Oakland (CA). This is my second time in Somarts.

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